Friday, February 18, 2011

UNITS Atlanta Breaks Down Spring Cleaning

What amazing weather Atlanta has seen this week! Sunshine, birds singing and the sound of our kids playing outdoors. This great weather has give me Spring Fever. With Spring comes the dreaded Spring cleaning we are all so fond of. Yuck...what a pain! This year lets do it together! UNITS Atlanta will be breaking down process for you over the next few weeks to make it more manageable.

1) Find the Problem Areas by Room:
Can you fix a problem if you don't know what it is? I sure can't! So let's start by looking at each room in our homes and making lists of all the problem areas. For instance:
  • Piles of mail on the table
  • Heaps of coats and sweaters on the back of a chair
  • Everyone's shoes thrown in the entry way
  • Toys...well, they are everywhere!
2)Figure Out Why:
Instead of cleaning these areas to come back and clean them again in a week lets take a moment to figure out why they came to this state of chaos. Why are the shoes in the entry way? After we figure out the "Why?" we can work on solving this problem forever!

3) Find a Solution:
Lets find that solution! Are you in need of organization tools or perhaps a portable storage container? Is it happening because you don't have the right stuff or you have too much stuff? Sometimes bad behaviors and normal responsibilities have not been neglected. It is so easy to start overlooking bad habits when you are so busy and overwhelmed.
4) Implement that Solution:
Order your UNIT and buy those organizational tools you need to put your plan into action. Get the family involved in setting up these new tools. Teach the family how to use these new items and clearly explain what is expected from each member. Bad habits are hard to break so be patience while trying to get everyone on board.

Room by room break down starts next week. UNITS Atlanta can be reached at 678-838-6556 and one of our local Customer Care Specialists are waiting for your call.