Monday, January 11, 2010

Resolve to De-Clutter Your Home

New Year's resolutions? Yep, we all make them. Some we keep, some we break. But if you've resolved to de-clutter your home this year, for sale or peace of mind, there's no better time than this winter. It's too cold to play outdoor sports on the weekends, and UNITS Mobile Storage has special rates in place through February 28. And, what better way to stay warm and fit than to clean out the spare bedrooms, basement and attic.  Pile all your extra furniture, seasonal clothes, holiday decorations, and bulky toys into a neat and tidy storage UNIT for easy access at a later date. That's right, have a portable storage container delivered right to your home, on your driveway, as close to your door as you like. Simply fill it up and call for pickup. You can keep your storage container at UNITS temperature-controlled (heat & A/C) warehouse as long as you like. Just call us when you want the storage UNIT redelivered. And, if you move, we can deliver it to your new home. Now there's a resolution you can get behind and feel really good about. Call for special winter rates today: 678-838-6556.