Thursday, August 19, 2010

UNITS Atlanta Owners Featured in The Wall Street Journal

A New White-Collar Juggle

 Following is an excerpt:

"When job demands clash, moonlighters' day jobs win. Stefanie and Craig Miller both work for the same big company, she as a customer-marketing vice president, and Mr. Miller as a senior logistics executive. For much of the past two years, the Atlanta couple has worked nights and weekends starting a Units mobile-storage business on the side to avoid having "all our eggs in one basket," Ms. Miller says.

 They use almost all their vacation time to attend trade shows and other events. When Ms. Miller was called on unexpectedly on a vacation day to make a presentation at her day job, she had to scramble to find someone to cover her planned appearance at a trade show. Mr. Miller sometimes makes storage-unit deliveries after work, driving the truck as late as 1 a.m. On weekends, he sometimes takes his two older children, 9 and 7, along on deliveries."