Monday, June 14, 2010

Quality Containers Impress UNITS Customers

Customers needing to rent portable storage containers this summer have been impressed with UNITS for being water tight, sturdy and easy to use. Here's what a recent customer had to say about UNITS Atlanta on Yelp:

"Wow, these portable containers have gotten much better since we used pods a few years ago. We needed a unit in a hurry after our closing date got moved up suddenly. Units was the only company that could deliver the next day - and they were much cheaper than pods. Their units are so much newer and cleaner than others. We had it moved to our new townhouse and it fit right into a parking space. it stayed there with our stuff in it for 3 weeks. I was so scared that it would get broken into or it would leak. (my cheap husband wouldn't pay for storage - even though it seemed like a very reasonable price) Anyway, when we finally closed on our new place and started to unload, everything was in perfect condition. No leaks or moisture at all. I'm so glad!! Hopefully we won't be moving again soon, but I'll definitely use this company again. Thanks for all the help!!!"

Read other customer reviews about UNITS Atlanta on Kudzu.

To obtain a FREE quote or to book a UNIT today, call 678-838-6556.